20 September 2011

What is Google Panda?

Google Panda - Google introduce "Panda" to serve the quality result to fuel the usage. Technologies make it very easy to develop such a large website within a short-time. Many web sites being created everyday which cause the rapid increase in poorly developed websites. Now Google needs to check the web page having low quality content in order to deliver quality result to their users. That's why Google introduce Panda to removed spam results from their SERPs.

Panda is a ranking factor that has been added to the Google Ranking Algorithm. It is basically a "filter" that is design to identify the low quality page (articles, blog and simply copy and paste from other website) and effectively flags the site. Panda by Google will help in reducing spam.

03 September 2011

How to Calculate Maximum CPA Bids?

Maximum CPA bid is based on current Maximum Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bids and conversion rates.

How to calculate Conversion Rate?

Conversion Rate = Total Conversions/Total Views X 100

Example to calculate Maximum CPA Bid

Suppose you are running one ad group with two different keywords : "Burger" and "Veg Burger".

Keyword                                                   Burger                                 Veg Burger

Current Max CPC Bid                              $1.00                                  $1.40

Conversion Rate                                       10%                                     20%

No. of Conversion                                    100                                      50

To get a maximum CPA bid for "Burger"

Maximum CPA Bid = Max. CPC/Conversion Rate = $1.00/10% = $10.00

To get a maximum CPA bid for "Veg Burger"

Maximum CPA Bid = Max. CPC/Conversion Rate = $1.40/20% = $7.00

How do I set up goals and funnels?

In order for Google Analytics to calculate goal conversion metrics, you must create one or more goals. Before setting up a goal, please make sure you have the following requirements.


* The name of the goal: Specify a name that you will recognize when viewing the goals within each set of your reports. Examples of names you might use include "email sign-up"or "article ABC download."
* The defined funnel: You may specify up to ten pages in a defined funnel. Although funnels are optional, defining one can help you map where visitors drop off during the path to completing a goal.
* The value of the goal: Google Analytics uses an assigned goal value to calculate ROI, Average Score, and other metrics. A good way to value a goal is to evaluate how often the visitors who reach the goal become customers. If, for example, your sales team can close 10% of people who request to be contacted, and your average transaction is $500, you might assign $50 (i.e. 10% of $500) to your "Contact Me" goal. In contrast, if only 1% of mailing list signups result in a sale, you might only assign $5 to your "email sign-up" goal.

Resource Link : Google Analytic Help