11 December 2011

Google Adword - keyword Matching Options

If you are using Google Ad word to run your PPC Campaign, you should know about keyword matching options. You can use this option to run an effective and successful PPC Campaign. With keyword matching options we can create cost effective ads for our PPC Campaign.

Google Ad word provides four keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger our ads to appear. These options can help you control who sees your ads.

Broad Match – Sport Shoe
It allows your ads for search terms that contain either or both words (Sport and Shoe) in any order.
Phrase Match – “Sport Shoe”
It allows your ads for search terms that contain “Sport Shoe” in same order.

Exact Match – [Sport Shoe]
It allows your ads for search term that exactly match with keyword Sport Shoe.

Negative Match: -Used
If your keyword is Sport Shoe and you add the “-“ to “used” (-used), your ad will not appear for any search terms that contain the word “used”.